RIG Arts is fully committed to advancing the Fair Work First criteria as set out within the Scottish Government guidance document. Specifically:
Payment of at least the real Living Wage
RIG Arts ensures that all staff are fairly compensated for their work, basing rates of pay on Scottish Artist Union Rates and the Real Living Wage as a minimum. RIG Arts are an accredited Living Wage Employer.
Appropriate channels for effective workers’ voice
Through policies, procedures, and positive working environments and relationships RIG Arts fosters an organisational climate and culture where employees feel psychologically safe and confident to use their voice. Evidenced in RIG Arts’ Effective Voice Joint Statement.
Investment in workforce development
RIG Arts ensures effective workforce development through providing opportunities for staff, freelancers and volunteers at all levels of the organisation to share responsibility and commitment in shaping their work to reach RIG’s objectives. RIG endorses lifelong learning through identifying and supporting training opportunities through ongoing memberships with third sector and arts organisations training and resources such as the Culture Collective, Scottish Contemporary Art Network, GCVS, CVS Inverclyde etc.
No inappropriate use of zero-hours contracts
All staff are employed on open ended or fixed term contracts. RIG does not use zero-hour contracts.
Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
It is the policy of RIG Arts to treat employees fairly and equally regardless of their gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, ability or union membership status. Furthermore, they will ensure that no requirement or condition will be imposed without justification which could disadvantage individuals purely on any of the above grounds. RIG Arts Board and senior Management are women led 63%. Inclusive hiring practices underpin recruitment including alternative formats.
Offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment
RIG Arts endeavour to create a flexible working environment for staff and partners to accommodate family and private circumstances where appropriate. This is responsive to individual circumstances but has included flexible working hours, hybrid home and office working. 2/5 of RIG’s current staff are employed through the parental employment scheme with working schedules designed to fit familial circumstances and work objectives as the key performance indicators.
Oppose the use of fire and rehire practice
RIG Arts core 3 staff have been with the organisation ranging from 2 – 11 years. RIG regularly use a bank of freelance artists and employ people on short term contacts as projects require, however they are always agreed fixed term contracts.